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    Pair programming is a must practice in our industry. Getting good at pairing is crucial and requires practice. Here is some advice on how to pair efficiently
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    Mentoring is a vital skill growing into your career in any industry. If you are not mentoring people, you should start doing it as the journey is full of experiences and knowledge.
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    Finding your path in a career can be challenging since many fields have a huge list of underlying roles. Here are some techniques that can help you find yours.
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    Have you been struggling with how to stop procrastinating? If so, you’re far from alone. In this blog post I will describe some techniques on how to overcome procrastination.
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    Learning how to learn is a skill, that is not taught in schools. Here are some practices that will help you learn more effectively.
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    Many people struggle to organize themselves. In this blog post, I will show you how I do it and some tips you can use.